Sunday, November 23, 2008

WOTLK Release Night

On Burning Crusade release night, close to two years ago, we waltzed into our local 24 hours Walmart around 10pm and found they had about 20 collectors editions and we were about 6 people deep in line. Even after an upsetting and disheartening experience trying to purchase Blizzcon tickets, we decided to not pre order based on our BC experience.

We knew our local Fry's had a lot of copies, but they would not be open until Thursday morning at 8 am, so that was our backup plan. As they day wore on we grew more excited, and a bit annoyed at the announcement that all realms would be playable at 9pm PST. Then why not just have it go on sale 9pm PST?, why make us on the West Coast wait while everyone gets a 3+ hour jump. We called around and our trusty Walmart had but a mere 6 copies of the CE, other calls yielded the same answer, 6 copies.

So we layed out our plan, go to dinner near the store, and then hit the store after the restraunt closed. We ended up in Walmart at 9:15pm, and they wonderfully had a sign up sheet. We were second and third for the six CE copies, score! The 100lbs soaking wet clerk instructed us to stand in line before the first guy(s?) in line and not wander to far from the electronics department.

After a quick side trip in store we returned to find the guy(s) missing and we are suddenly first in "line". We call our friend and tell her to get on over here and join us, get her copy tonight. So as we wait off to the side, the same place we waited two years earlier for BC, as it inches close to ten, the masses begin to stream into the store. Another guy gets 4 & 5 of the CE and finally a very large black man, who plays a Tauren Druid!?!? ...??? He gets the last of the CE's and begins to bully on the very scared, very nervous, very non authorative employee, who already told us he would not be around for the midnight toll.

Also a line begins to form in front of the damn counter, huh? Line over here people. Our friend arrives bearing sodas for the wait ahead and I begin to obsess over the line forming not behind us but across the store from us, I am not going to the back of the line when my name is at the top. It's the principle of the matter. I confront, calmly, our bespecceled buddy, who is now frazzled beyond belief. He tells me, "I don't know why they are lining up, but your name is on the list." Guess this is the best I am getting at this point.

Once the night crew gets in and the manager steps in, things begin to calm a bit, the line grows. I am staying my ground and noticbly the other CE sign ups are staying clear of the line. After things are settled, the new cashier tells me, we will get called up first, those of us with the CE, they took our orders for one each regular edition as well. We also get posters! Cool beans, now things are falling into place.

Finally Midnight approaches, we line up on the CE end to get our copies, they hand out the posters, very cool. Buy up our copies, head outside, other parties have a smoke and we get ready to head home and install.

But one more thing, the drive by the other side of the parking lot, where there is a long line for copies at Gamestop. Also we hear word that their credit card machines are not working very well, in fact are down. First snap a few pictures of the line, then wave my copy of the CE out the window. At least one guy screams, we wave bye bye and head home to install and play some.

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